Sing Inside is run by a small but passionate team, with some part time staff and powered by volunteers across the country. Our teams work tirelessly to ensure we have professional standards and structures in place, ensuring our governance, security and workshops are all of a high standard. We elected our first board in 2018 and expanded it in 2020. Our trustees have a range of skills and backgrounds, but share a passion for our mission to provide meaningful creative opportunities in prisons across the UK.
We will usually advertise trustee positions on our current opportunities page; if you have any questions about joining the board, please get in touch with our chief executive below. If you would like to contact one of our trustees, please contact trustees@singinside.org.
Sing Inside's work is overseen by our staff team. If you have any questions about our workshops, partnering with us as a prison, funding, policy or anything else, feel free to contact them and they will happily put you in touch with the right person for your enquiry.