In this short blog series, we introduce our board to you with a series of short questions.
How did you first hear about Sing Inside?
I first heard about Sing Inside when I walked past a stall they had set up at the
Ministry of Justice HQ. I soon found out a number of colleagues had been involved in
Sing Inside’s work, so I joined their mailing list. Unfortunately Covid-19 happened
before I was able to join a workshop, but when I saw the charity was advertising for
trustees, I knew that this was something I could not pass up!
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Struggles with concision.
Where are you based and what do you do at the moment?
I am based in London and I am a policy advisor in the civil service.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in lockdown?
There have been quite a few, but I think one that has struck me recently is the
importance of community. Being involved in a mutual aid group has led me to meet
many new people right on my doorstep, but it was apparent that for many people
social isolation had extended back since way before Covid-19 measures started. I
have reflected on the importance of the families and support networks that we build
around ourselves. Having people who will always pick up the phone, or who save the
day when you suddenly have to isolate and can’t get a food delivery slot, and who
worry about you when you’re feeling peaky can mean so much. We can all be part of
multiple communities, and by contributing what we can to them, they often become
more than the sum of their parts.
What are your hopes for Sing Inside in the next few years?
Once prison visits resume, I can’t wait to do everything I can to help Sing Inside can
reach more workshop participants both inside and outside prisons! I’m particularly
looking forward to hopefully working with current and former prison residents in
shaping our plans for the future.